Monday, June 20, 2011

are we there yet?

After having breakfast at 8, we headed towards the huge hill to start our climb. We trudged up 999 ancient stone stairs to the base of an old Greek castle. The other day when we had steps at the beginning of our hike… that was NOTHING. Holly and I made a bet on how long we thought it would take the group to reach the top. I said at least an hour and she bet it’d be more. Surprisingly we made it in about 20 minutes?? It was a bit of a struggle but definitely worth it!

It seemed to have 3 different compounds on the property. One being the main castle, another smaller building, and a jail. The jail was my favorite because Dena, Erin, Rachel and I decided we needed to go explore it. We went into one of the cells and found a smaller tunnel dug out in one of the walls. Inside this tunnel we saw a door and got very interested (maybe a little big scared)…
SOO, being the adventurous girls that we are, we attempted to raid this “tomb” ourselves. That didn’t work out too well, so naturally we called David to come and go in first! We figured out that the very back of the tunnel lead to another cell but the door led to just an empty little room. We thought that was pretty cool two cells were kind of secretly connected.

We made David go in first

Going down these 999 steps took half the time and was easier but also made our legs veery shakey. But, luckily right after this we came back to the hotel to rest and change into our swimsuits. We got to split up for a 2 hour lunch and shop if we wanted. When we met back up with everyone we finally got to go down to the beach! The water was crystal clear and perfect temperature, COLD. The only thing we didn’t like was that there was no sand, just rocks. It’s not very comfortable lying on rocks! Regardless we were all very happy to tan and swim.
me and callie 
me and erin

After about 3 hours we walked back to Hotel Nafplio and cleaned up. We worked on our final projects and blogs for a little but couldn’t for very long because there is no AC in the lobby. Not comfortable AT ALL. We all went to dinner together at a cute restaurant where we could see the water. Holly, Claire and I discovered this garlic sauce appetizer to put on bread.. YUM. That was a dangerous discovery since we’re trying to reduce that carb count! Uh oh..
David and Carolyn gave us an On Assignment having to do with bracketing and experimenting with ISO. We had to take pictures of the same subject on every different ISO that our camera has- which basically just changes the lighting on each picture.
Holly, Claire, Callie and I did some of our assignment and decided we should stop for some ice cream. After quickly indulging in that we headed back to the hotel. We’re all so tired from all the sun today- and a little bit burnt!
We’re going to the island Hydra tomorrow and we’re all so excited!! 

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